2023年纽约市马拉松竞赛11月5日举行 观赛及封路信息

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一年一度的TCS纽约市马拉松比赛(New York City Marathon)将于11月5日举行,届时将有5万名选手涌上纽约街头。 参赛者将跑过5个行政区,从史丹顿岛开始,穿过布鲁克林和皇后区,然后进入曼哈顿,绕到布朗克斯,最后在中央公园结束。 纽约市警局表示,目前纽约市没有发现可信或具体的威胁,但会加强安保,确保比赛顺利进行。当天纽约市的部分道路将有管制,地铁交通也有变化。 纽约马拉松比赛全长26.2英里,穿过纽约市所有行政区。比赛从史坦顿岛维拉札诺大桥(Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge)上开始,蜿蜒穿过布碌崙,然后进入皇后区,最后通过皇后区大桥(Queensboro Bridge)进入曼哈顿。到达曼哈顿后,运动员将一路跑到布朗士区,然后返回曼哈顿,最后终点是中央公园。 在11月5日(周日)上午7点至下午4点期间,维拉札诺大桥将关闭。中央公园65街、79街和96街大部分关闭;比赛期间,公共汽车将不允许横穿第五大道。 具体路线图 赛段最佳观赏位置⬇️ Fourth Avenue, Brooklyn (Miles 2-4): 跑者离开Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge Fourth Avenue & Flatbush Avenue (Mile 8) Williamsburg and Greenpoint, Brooklyn (Miles 10-13) Pulaski Bridge (Mile 13.1): 皇后区的欢庆路段 First Avenue, Manhattan (Miles 16-18) East Harlem (Miles 18-20) Charity Cheer Zone, First Avenue and 120th Street (Miles 19-20) New Balance Mile 20 Block Party, First Avenue near Willis Avenue Bridge: 接近终点前的音乐狂欢 Fifth Avenue, East 90th Street-East 105th Street (Miles 23-24) United Entertainment Zone, Columbus Circle Moma PS1:露天广场提供免费零食、咖啡、音乐等庆祝活动 ⬇️终点最佳观赏位置⬇️ 看台座位:要买门票,在西66街和哥伦布大道进入。 站立观众区:位于中央公园内,从哥伦布圆环到看台南端,距离终点约500英尺。 如果来不了现场,也可以在周日早上7点观看ABC7电视台的直播。 以下是大家最关心的封路路段清单: Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge—Upper level: 11:30pm (Nov. 5) to 4pm Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge—Lower level Staten Island-bound: 6:30am to 2pm Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge—Lower level Brooklyn-bound: 6:30am to 2pm Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge—Midpoint: 11:30 (Nov. 5) to 4pm Verrazzano–Narrows Bridge—Exit to 92nd Street: 11:30 (Nov. 5) to 4pm 4th Avenue and 82nd Street: 6:45am to 1:15pm 74th Street, before 6th Avenue: 6:45am to 1:15pm 4th Avenue and 80th Street: 6:45am to 1:16pm Bay Ridge Parkway and 6th Avenue: 6:45am to 1:16pm 4th Avenue and 63rd Street: 6:55am to 1:31pm 4th Avenue and 43rd Street: 6:55am to 1:47pm 4th Avenue and 22nd Street: 6:55am to 2:03pm 4th Avenue and 18th Street: 6:55am to 2:06pm 4th Avenue and 3rd Street: 7:30am to 2:19pm Flatbush Avenue and Lafayette Avenue: 7:30am to 2:35pm Lafayette and Classon avenues: 7:30am to 2:51pm Bedford Avenue and Kosciuszko Street: 7:30am to 2:55pm Bedford Avenue between Wallabout Street and Lynch Street: 7:05am to 3:07pm Bedford Avenue and South 3rd Street: 7:05am to 3:23pm Manhattan Avenue past Bedford Avenue: 7:15am to 3:39pm Manhattan Avenue before Greenpoint Avenue: 7:15am to 3:45pm McGuiness Boulevard, approaching Pulaski Bridge: 7:30am to 3:56pm 10th Street and 44th Drive: 8am to 4:11pm Queensboro Bridge—Lower level Queens side: 6:30am to 4:27pm Queensboro Bridge—Lower level midspan: 6:30am to 3:15 to 4:35pm Queensboro Bridge—Lower level Manhattan side: 6:30am to 4:43pm 1st Avenue and 77th Street: 8am to 4:55pm 1st Avenue and 97th Street: 8am to 5:15pm 1st Avenue between 109th and 110th Streets: 8am to 5:24pm 1st Avenue and 117th Street: 8am to 5:31pm Willis Avenue Bridge: 7:30am to 5:47pm 35th Street just west of Willis Avenue: 7:30am to 5:47pm Madison Avenue Bridge: 7:30am to 6:03pm Madison Avenue Bridge and West 138th Street: 7:30am to 6:03pm 5th Avenue and 125th Street: 8am to 5:32pm Mount Morris Parkway and 122nd Street: 8am to 6:14pm 5th Avenue and 103rd Street: 8am to 6:35pm Central Park East Drive and 84th Street: CLOSED Central Park East Drive and 68th Street: CLOSED Central Park East Drive and 65th Street: CLOSED Central Park South – 59th Street from 5th Avenue to Columbus Circle: 8:30am to 6:45pm Central Park West Drive and 62nd Street: CLOSED Central Park West Drive and 67th Street: CLOSED
